Thursday, 15 December 2011

Santa Lucia was here!

It was a rainy night in San Bassano.......but she was giving presents to children and her donkey ate a lot of hay ! Here is Santa Lucia.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A trip to the Palace

Within our next task in Comenius we visited the Mieroszewski Brothers` Palace in Będzin. We saw there an exhibition connected with old kitchen utensils used in recent times.
We have taken some pictures that we are going to use in creating our poster.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


Hello from San Bassano.
Children in our village are waiting for Santa Lucia, a blind saint coming on the 13th December. She gives presents to the good ones and leaves pieces of coal to the bad ones, so everybody must be quiet and obedient to get his presents. She also leaves cakes and candies. To carry all the stuff, she uses a nice donkey: children leave a bunch of hay on the house door to feed the donkey while Lucia brings the presents inside. Children go to bed early  and they can hear a bell jingling under their window.....they shut their eyes or the saint will throw ash in them. This is a very old tradition still followed by parents who want to make their children happy with presents.
A blue ribbon means a boy lives here, a pink one is for a girl.
bye, Cristina