Dal 15 al 20 maggio 2011 si è tenuto in Spagna il quarto incontro del Comenius Project e si sono tirate le somme delle attività fin qui svolte e di quelle ancora da realizzare. Come iniziativa di fine anno si è pensato di porre ad alunni, professori e famiglie alcune semplici domande. Vi chiediamo di inserire le risposte specificando: l'età di chi scrive e il ruolo (alunno, genitore, docente), senza indicare però il proprio nome.
Le domande sono:
1) Conosci il Progetto Comenius?
2) Hai partecipato ad alcune delle attività organizzate per il progetto? Se sì, spiega per favore qual è stato il tuo contributo.
3) Credi di aver imparato qualcosa da questo progetto?
Grazie per la collaborazione.
Comenius Project - San Bassano
hello from san bassano
ReplyDeletewe are 14 years old students from San Bassano, Italy. Here are our comments on the Project Comenius:
ReplyDeletewe do know the project very well beacuase we helped to create the logo, we also brought things from home in order to prepare the Comenius Corner (souvenirs, photos, t-shirts, coins, postcards, maps, books, etc.)
We enjoyed the project very much because we learnt many interesting things about schools in Poland, Spain and England.
Bye from Italy!
ReplyDeleteI'm 11 years old, I'm a student from San Bassano Italy.
I know about Comenius Project, I hepled to set up the Comenius Corner and I wrote some of the comments about my teachers for the posters we put on the wall.
I learnt a few interesting things about Poland, England and Spain.
ReplyDeleteI'm a student from San Bassano, Italy, I'm 11 years old.
I took some of the photographs of our school trip in Soncino that we pun on the blog and I met the teachers who came from the partners schools from Spain, England and Poland. It was really exciting!
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the Italian teachers involved in the project and I think it was a really involving experience, what I liked best was the farewell party organized by our school for all the foreign teachers.
It's been fun, exciting and really rewarding from a cultural and human point of view.
I am a 4th year pupil from Grumello Primary School.
ReplyDelete1.I know the Comenius Project.
2. I made some drawings for the Comenius Corner. I sang the Xmas Carols during the recording in San Bassano. I interviewed an old woman about games and toys she played with.
3.I learnt that once children played in the country and that some games were the same in Spain, England, Poland and Italy. For example the game Mondo o campana was called Hopscotch in England,Cascalio in Spain.
We are two mothers. Our daughters are students in the Grumello Primary School.
ReplyDelete1. We know the Comenius Project.
2. We met the teachers from the partners schools when they came to Italy in February. I read the interview our children have done to their grandparents.
3. Through the Comenius Project we have come in touch with other ways of organizing the school activities in the partner countries. Our children talked about the wind turbine in the Stoke Prior School in England and the solar panels in the Virgen del Fresno school in Spain.
ReplyDeleteI'm a mother of a girl that attends Middle School in San Bassano (Italy).
I know the Comenius Project because my daughter talk me about it and she prepared the Comenius Corner with her teachers and friends.
This project is very important because my daughter and the other students could improve their English language and they could know better the other partner countries.
By by
ReplyDeleteI'm forty-eight years old and I'm a mother of an Italian student. My daughter attends the Middle School in San Bassano and she was involved in the Comenius Project. I think it's a very interesting experience because the students can improve English language and know more about school in the other European countries.
Hello, I'm an Italian student and I partecipated in the Comenius Project with my classroom to set up Comenius Corner. It was a fantastic experience because I met Polish, Spanish and English teachers when they came in my country.
ReplyDeleteOn Wendesday 13th June Stoke Prior had sports day.There was a mums and dads race and a todales raceand a teachers race it was really funny.There were team Poland,team Italy,team spain and team England.Stoke Prior had a year r race,a year 1 race,a year 2 race,a year 3 race,year 4 race,year 5 race and a year 6 race. StokePrior had a fun 2011 sports day.By Harriet Gurney age 8.